freeWrap 6.76

Released February 24, 2025

Convert your TCL/TK scripts into stand-alone executable binary programs. No compiler required.
Use freeWrap as a single-file WISH shell

64-bit versions available for both Windows and Linux


Turns TCL/TK scripts into single-file binary executable programs
The resulting program can be distributed to machines that do not have TCL/TK installed but will also work on machines that have TCL/TK installed but will use its own TCL/TK “image”. FreeWrap itself does not need TCL/TK installed to run
Easy one-step wrapping
FreeWrap consists of a single executable file. There is no setup required. Wrapping is accomplished with a single command.
A TCL-only version, freewrapTCLSH, is also included
FreewrapTCLSH works with TCL scripts and is similar in usage to the freewrap program.
Shared libraries can be used with your wrapped programs
FreeWrapped applications can load TCL/TK shared library extensions that have been compiled with the STUBS interface.
Wrapped programs can be customized with your own Windows icons
The Windows version of freeWrap can incorporate your own customized icon into your wrapped application.
No license fees for wrapped programs
There are no license fees associated with freeWrap. See the freeWrap documentation for license details.
Cross-platform generation of programs
The -w “wrap using” option allows cross-platform creation of wrapped applications without the use of the target computer system. For example, a Windows application can be created by running freeWrap on Linux.
freeWrap includes several Windows-specific commands
These commands can be used to determine the location of Windows’ special directories, easily create file extension associations and shortcuts.
freeWrap includes commands for ZIP file creation and extraction
Due to freeWrap’s use of the ZIP Virtual File System any ZIP archive can be opened so its contents look like a simple file subdirectory. The archive’s files are automatically decompressed when read with TCL commands. The makeZIP command allows creation and modification of ZIP archives from within your freeWrapped application.


  • FreeWrap distributions are freely available for Linux and Windows operating systems. FreeWrap for 64-bit versions of Linux and Windows are available. Instructions and source code for building freeWrap on these platforms are included in the freeWrap source code distribution. See the Downloads table to retrieve these packages.
  • Included with freeWrap are the tcllib and tklib libraries as well as the Tktable, WinICO, and TWAPI extensions.
  • TCL-only versions of freeWrap for creating binaries from TCL (non-TK) scripts are included in the distributions.

Changes in last revision

  • Changes for version 6.76
    1. FreeWrap 6.76 is based on TCL/TK 8.6.16.
    2. The TWAPI extension included in freeWrap has been updated to version 5.0.2
    3. Tktable (statically linked into the freeWrap build) has been updated to version 2.11.1
    4. Tktable, once again works under Linux as well as Windows

View full revision history

Learn more

Read the freeWrap documentation.


These latest downloads are available from 6.76

The distributions contain both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of freeWrap for the associated operating systems.



Windows distribution of freeWrap version 6.76.

Includes both freewrap and freewrapTCLSH. Unzip this file to install freewrap 6.76 on Windows.


Linux distribution of freeWrap version 6.76.

Decompress and unTAR this file to install freeWrap 6.76 on Linux.


freeWrap version 6.76 source distribution in compressed TAR format for building 64-bit versions of freeWrap for Linux or Windows.

This page last updated March 2, 2025