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Changes for version 6.5

  1. FreeWrap 6.5 is based on TCL/TK 8.5.9
  2. BLT is once again included in freewrapPLUS thanks to BLT code modifications from Peter MacDonald and his WIZE project.
  3. Building freeWrap:
    1. freewrapTCLSH is no longer built with a dependency on the X11 libraries. This dependency was an error that prevented the application from running on systems without a graphics console.On Windows, freeWrap is now built using MinGW/Msys instead of MS Visual C++.
    2. The build process no longer requires an interactive step to enter the encryption key.
    3. FreeWrap is now built with Info-ZIP 2.32 to take advantage of its security-related fixes.
    4. The instructions for building freeWrap have been expanded.
  4. Incorporated a few fixes provided by Pawel Pawlak to properly set up the encoding system. Previously freeWrap forced the default encoding to cp1252.
  5. Added ::freewrap::Nagle command to control whether the Nagle algorithm is active on a specific socket.
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Changes for version 6.41

  1. FreeWrap 6.41 is based on TCL/TK 8.5.1.
  2. The new TCL modules included with TCL 8.5 are now accessible using a [package require] command. Because of this, the [clock format] command now works without generating an error message.
  3. A 32×32 256 bit color icon has been added to Windows versions of freeWrap. This means that the freeWrap -i option can now be used to include your own 32×32 256 bit color icon for your wrapped application.
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Changes for version 6.4

  1. This is the first version of freeWrap based on TCL/TK 8.5.0.
  2. Unlike previous versions, freewrapPLUS 6.4 does not contain the BLT extension since BLT is not yet compatible with TCL/TK 8.5.
  3. The makefile for Windows has been modified to use Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 Express Edition.
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Changes for version 6.3

  1. Freewrap 6.3 is based on TCL/TK 8.4.16
  2. Added support for freeWrap program packages. The -p wrapping option can now be used to create a wrapped application without the freeWrap executable component. The freeWrap program package can then be run using freeWrap as a single-file shell (example: freewish myapp.fwp).
  3. Added SQLite as one of the extensions that are included with freewrapPLUS
  4. Added a new variable into the ::freewrap namespace. The ::freewrap::runMode variable indicates whether freeWrap is running as:
Value of VariableMeaning
interactiveShellan interactive shell
standAloneShella stand-alone shell running a script
programPackagea wrapped executable program
  1. Improved the security of wrapped applications. FreeWrapped applications will detect whether they have been modidied or tampered with and refuse to run. As a result, the -e option is no longer available to create an application that is not encrypted.
  2. FreeWrap is no longer compressed with UPX. Therefore, users will notice an increase in the size of freeWrap and the executables that it produces. This size change should not be significant compared to recent increases in disk drive capacities.
  3. The -i option is now available under operating systems other than Windows so that the Windows application icon may be changed when using the -w (cross-platform generation) option.
  4. The default system encoding for freeWrap has been set to cp1252 and the documentation has been updated with additional words concerning the use of encodings.
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Changes for version 6.2

  1. FreeWrap 6.2 is based on TCL/TK 8.4.12.
  2. The freeWrap::getStubSize procedure has been corrected to return the proper stub size. It was returning too small a value.
  3. A new encryption mechanism has been incorporated into freeWrap. All wrapped files are encrypted by default.
  4. The freeWrap documentation has been converted to PDF format.
  5. Expanded the instructions for building freeWrap. See the new PDF documentation file.
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Changes for version 6.1

  1. FreeWrap 6.1 is based on TCL/TK 8.4.11.
  2. FreeWrapPlus can now load BLT into slave interpreters. The necessary patch has been applied to the BLT code.
  3. FreeWrap 6.0 did not recognize UNC file paths properly. This problem has been corrected. FILE and GLOB commands that use UNC file paths will now work correctly.
  4. Corrected operation of the (-i) icon change option.
  5. Added -forcewrap command line option to force freeWrap to act as a wrapping program even if it has been renamed.
  6. Added a -debug command line option which opens a console window so the user can see debug messages while wrapping.
  7. Corrected formatting of makeZIP command description in the HTML documentation.
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Changes for version 6.0

  1. FreeWrap 6.0 is based on TCL/TK 8.4.8.
  2. Windows versions of freeWrap now contain Winico extension version 0.5. This update allows loading of icons directly from files contained within freeWrapped applications.
  3. FreeWrap was modified to use TCL’s newer Virtual File System hooks. This improves access to the files contained in freeWrap’s ZIP Virtual File System (ZVFS). Commands such as glob, encoding and file now treat the ZVFS files like normal files.
  4. UPX compression is once again used on the Windows versions. This results in a smaller executable file.
  5. The TkTable extension is now included along with the BLT extension and the resulting application has been named freewrapPLUS.
  6. The ::zvfs::filecopy command has been eliminated. The normal [file copy] command works fine and should now be used instead.
  7. Although the glob command now works properly on ZVFS files the ::zvfs::list command has been maintained since it provides slightly different functionality.
  8. Wrapping more than 64 files at once caused freeWrap to fail at the time of wrapping. This limitation has been removed.
  9. Added a missing semicolon to freeWrap procedures shell_getCmds and shell_getCmd_imp.
  10. Corrected behavior of [info script] command for file paths that include spaces.
  11. The wish console no longer pops-up when first starting a wrapped program.