- freeWrap 4.3 is based on TCL/TK 8.3.1.
- Fixed a bug introduced by TCL/TK 8.3 that prevented the use of the “\” path separator on the freeWrap command line. Paths on the freeWrap command line can again use either the forward or backward slash character.
- Fixed a fatal bug that occurred when using the _ freewrap_pkgfilecopy procedure.
- freeWrap 4.1 is based on TCL/TK 8.3.0
- The Windows version of freeWrap now includes the tcl83pip.dll file from the normal TCL distribution. This file is necessary when running scripts that redirect stdin/stdout through pipes using the exec or open commands.
- The BLT version of freeWrap now correctly finds and outputs the postscript headers.
- The documentation now describes how to properly wrap and use character encoding files.
- The documentation includes an expanded description of referencing wrapped file names.
- Added a -b option for wrapping any type of binary file.
- freeWrap now operates properly even if it is run through a symbolic link under UNIX.
- freeWrap 4.0 is based on TCL/TK 8.2.2
- The freeWrap executable file is now much smaller. It has been compressd with UPX and now fits on a single floppy.
- Wrapped file paths can now include spaces.
- Wrapped binary files take less room than previous versions of freeWrap.
- Added a few features, procedure and variables to support my new application distribution program, freeDelivery .
- Added -p command line option to wrap application distribution packages
- Pressing the [x] on the root window under Windows95/98/NT now exits the program completely from memory. Several people were confused about Windows’ default behavior which closed the root window but kept the program in memory. Programmer’s can still intercept the WM_DELETE_WINDOW event themselves using the “wm protocol” command.
- freeWrap 3.3 is based on TCL./TK version 8.2.1
- TCL load command now works with stubs -enabled shared libraries.
- Using freeWrap’s -f option, the list of files to wrap can be retrieved from a text file.
- The Windows version now includes the WINICO package to allow setting of toplevel window icons.
- Corrected code so the path to the executing copy of freeWrap is correctly determined. This eliminated the couldn’topen ” freewrap”: no such file or directory error seen at wrap time on some operating systems (e.g. WindowsNT , Irix).
- Included a free license statement for freeWrap .
- Added _freewrap_patchLevel variable to indicate the freeWrap revision number.
- Corrected improper decryption of additional wrapped files.
- Corrected inability to access additional wrapped files under UNIX.
- Included BLT library files into freeWrapBLT version.
- Corrected handling of line continuations (\ character) under Windows.
- The TCL/TK interp command now works correctly under freeWrap.
- Can now wrap multiple scripts together
- Can now wrap binary image files into executable. (GIF, PPM, PGM)
- Automatic encryption of wrapped files.
- freeWrap 3.0 is based on TCL/TK 8.1.1